The Substation/ Terre Thaemlitz/ Reframed Positions/
The Substation is an accessible venue.
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Award-winning multimedia artist, writer, public speaker, educator and record label boss Terre Thaemlitz took over The Substation as part of AsiaTOPA 2020 with her uncompromising, confronting and intellectually ignited work. Thaemlitz’s ouvre resists easy categorisation, spanning the musical spectrum from deep house to neo-expressionist piano solos, glitch to ambient.
Her practice is a provocative engagement with identity politics, working through issues of gender, sexuality, class, and ethnicity while also digging into the structural dynamics of media production and reception within society

Feature and installation images: Terre Thaemlitz, Reframed Positions, The Substation, 2020, Photos: Madie Bishop